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ART 2014

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..osen how beautiful you are! Artist E.J. Paprocki

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet Tuesday 10. February , 2015 kl. 04:59

..osen how beautiful you are!

Ah, autumn, how beautiful you are,
His farewell beauty
The bright colors of the trees,
Purple, gold leaves,

In your solemn winds
Chilled bend poplar
And belated dawn,
They smell of damp, rain.

When surrounded by swirling leaves,
As well then sadness,
Hover briefly in thought,
Sitting looking off into the distance.

Silent majestic maples,
Sparkling frost on the grass,
Day, lethargy and sleepy,
In the sky-blue gray.

Your first thin ice on the puddles,
Icicles crystal drops,
Towards evening the wind listen to songs,
To cool wet earth,

And the sun radiant haze,
Blesnёt and again sadness shadow.
You still fluffy cape,
Nakroesh penultimate day.


La Vie En Rose
aa3 aa4 aa5 aa6 aa7

As everything is calm and how everything is open!

How on earth was quiet and the poor!

Garden showered – all of it is forgotten,

Sky high and cold, pale …

Distant sky, not you, dumb,

Scaring me its spaciousness?

Here, in this poverty, where all native,

Meeting I Fall joyful eyes.

More scattered light leaf fall,

And rare bright paint tenderly;

More tits they hiss from the garden,

And as they quietly forgotten in the park!

And only at night when raging

Autumn wind, everything is alien again …

And lonely heart longs:

Oh, if the proximity of the native heart!

IA Bunin

aa8 aa9

..and summer

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