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ART 2014

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Painting. Magnificent work.

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet Friday 23. January , 2015 kl. 07:39

William-Adolphe Bouguereau (William-Adolphe Bouguereau)

• Hymn of motherhood and female beauty.

William-Adolphe Bouguereau was a French painter, the largest representative of the academic salon painting.
Born November 30, 1825 in the city of La Rochelle. Studied painting at the Royal School of Fine Arts. In 1850 he won the Prix de Rome (scholarship for students studying art). Raise the necessary capital, finally devoted himself to his favorite occupation – painting. Bouguereau’s career has developed successfully, and he had a taste of life at the recognition and favor of critics, showing his paintings at the annual salons of Paris for more than fifty years. The artist was married twice. Remarried in old age, at the young lover of art or student (it was difficult to translate).
In total, for the life Bouguereau wrote eight hundred twenty-six paintings. He is one of the few classicists who could transmit personality traits and mood of his characters. His paintings of historical, mythological, biblical and allegorical subjects were compositionally carefully and painstakingly built are written down to the smallest detail. In 1900, Degas and Monet have recognized him as the greatest artist of the 19th century. But Bouguereau strongly opposed the demonstration of Impressionist works in the “occupied” their cabin, considering them unfinished sketches. In the early 20th century, his name and picture were subjected to relentless criticism since in effect was an alien impressionism. Bouguereau died August 19, 1905 in the city of La Rochelle. After some time in the art world, everything fell into place and good painting, whatever period it did not belong, again rose in price. Parallel to increased interest and creativity Bouguereau. Now his work has been exhibited in museums around the world and 100 are fabulous money.


Bacchante, 1899

Self-Portrait, 1879

Biblis 1884

Homer and his Guide, 1874

In the spring of 1886

All Saints Day 1859

Soul in heaven, 1878

Lullaby, 1875

Madonna of Assisi, 1888

Charity 1859


Madonna and Angels

Rides 1884

The Birth of Venus, 1879

Little Shepherdess, 1891

Nymphs and Satyr, 1873

 Disney Prints Christmas At The Ahwahnee 

Lie in wait for love, 1890

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