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Tomas Sanchez. In the paintings of imaginary space

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet Thursday 16. October , 2014 kl. 03:59



Tomas Sanchez was born in Cuba in Aguada de Pasajeros, Las Villas May 22, 1948. A graduate of the National School of Arts, Havana, Cuba. In his paintings of an imaginary space the viewer can quietly reflect each of his. His works are so necessary time capsule for future generations. Tomas Sanchez currently lives and works in Florida and Costa Rica. His works are in major collections – Toledo Museum of Art; Museo de Bellas Artes Cuba, Havanna; Berardo Museum – Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art, Lisbon; UECLAA – University of Essex, Colhester (England); Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Missouri.
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Bay. And maybe the river. I do not know. There were clouds. They no longer exist. Lit dawn.
But somewhere out there, but here – I do not know from where the light, thanks to some miracle.
I remember … he shines himself, but he owes his ecstasy and pearls, and emerald.
Here I was just ago Eternity.
I swam, I saw the tip of poluvozdushnoy sushi – cape
losing yourself as a thought, and these rocks – their grins covered flexible sand,
and where not work as templates, lichen lay diagonally …


and … when you have to start over, get back here again,
rest and again look his way, he would lead you to a dear friend,
and the beginning it will be difficult to remember
get lost again and again have to start over,
and then come here.
These places will be different, but you will find them.
B. Levy


by Pino paintings

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